5 Reasons To Focus More on Strengthening Your Upper Back

How this powerhouse body part has the ability to change your physique, prevent injuries, and make daily tasks easier to do.

Sergio Ruiz
3 min readOct 18, 2021
Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

If there’s one thing I’ve always preached is how important it is to have a strong upper back.

Strengthening your upper back is one of the easiest ways to improve posture.

It can easily improve how we look in clothes.

And it can help prevent many common upper-body injuries.

Now here are more reasons why you should focus more on strengthening your upper back.

  1. Improves your posture — The muscles in between your shoulder blades help improve your posture by helping keep you upright. Ever sit at a desk for a long time, then find yourself starting to hunch over by the end of the day? Part of that is due to the muscles in your upper back getting tired. Increasing your upper back strength is one of the best ways to help keep you more upright throughout the day.
  2. Protects your shoulders — The muscles just below the shoulder blade help protect the front of your shoulders by keeping the rotator cuff more stable. An example is when you’re driving. As…



Sergio Ruiz

Fitness professional & nutrition coach with 20+ years experience as a personal trainer in San Francisco | www.sfbodymatrix.com