Fitness Supplements

5 Reasons Why I Stopped Taking Pre-Workout Supplements

No “magic juice” will improve the quality of your workouts better than improving your lifting technique

Sergio Ruiz
4 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I used to love drinking pre-workout supplements.

I would pour two scoops of powder into a shaker bottle and drink it slowly until my body started tingling.

Then one day, my heart started beating so much that it caused the entire squat rack to vibrate with each pulse from my heart simply by touching the rack.

So much at first, I thought it was an earthquake.

At that exact moment, I decided to stop taking any more pre-workout supplements.

And here are other reasons you may want to stop taking them too.

Too much caffeine

One of the first pre-workout supplements I took contained 200 mg of caffeine per serving.

That is about the same amount in two 8-ounce cups of coffee, which is what I consume daily already.

I typically drink a cup of green tea that contains roughly 50 mg of caffeine later in the day.



Sergio Ruiz

Fitness professional & nutrition coach with 20+ years experience as a personal trainer in San Francisco |