Sergio RuizMy Top Stories on Medium in 2021Wishing you a Happy New Year in 2022!Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
InThe ShortformbySergio RuizWhy It Feels Good To Be Part of a Group, But Even Better To Go SoloI’ve always been a team player.Mar 18, 202212Mar 18, 202212
Sergio RuizPlease Stop Doing These 5 Things at the GymIn my early days as a personal trainer, I met an old school lifter who told me, “Working out is a religion, and the gym is a church,.” I…Jun 17, 20213Jun 17, 20213
Sergio Ruiz5 Tips To Help Lose Body Fat and Gain Lean MuscleFind out how to change your physique by doing the right combination of cardio, resistance training, and adjusting your diet.Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021
Sergio Ruiz5 Things That Improved the Quality of My SleepThese have worked better than counting a endless number of white sheep jumping over a fence.Sep 16, 202115Sep 16, 202115
Sergio Ruiz10 Things You Can Do To Make a Memorable ImpressionBecause you never get a second chance to make a first impression.Sep 9, 2021Sep 9, 2021
Sergio RuizTop 5 Total Body Movements To Do Before Every WorkoutDoing these can help increase flexibility, prevent injuries, and maximize strength gains in the gym.Sep 2, 20212Sep 2, 20212
Sergio Ruiz5 Tips To Help Prevent Most Common Lower Back IssuesDoing some of these just might prevent lower back issues and help regain your normal daily routine pain free.Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Sergio Ruiz6 Things To Help Reach Your Fitness Goals Before the New YearHow to get a head start on your fitness goals before the Holiday festivities begin.Oct 1, 2021Oct 1, 2021
Sergio Ruiz7 Quotes From Athletes That Helped Improve My Mental GameIt starts with having a good mental game before setting foot on the playing field of life.Sep 27, 2021Sep 27, 2021
Sergio RuizHow This Life Lesson Taught Me To Always Be on TimeAnd never be late to an appointment again.Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
Sergio RuizThe Value Of Never Being Too Old To Learn Something New“There is now wealth like knowledge, and no poverty like ignorance.” — BuddhaFeb 14, 2021Feb 14, 2021